Thursday, December 6, 2012


Sorry about the last post, my phone did that. My foot started hurting again and I am at the doctor. I am doing things to take better care if myself, including enjoying myself. I went horseback riding on Sunday and loved it. I also bought an easel and put it in my big empty room ( had the floors put in so we emptied it out) and I am drawing with water color pencil and water soluble wax. Also have my yoga mat, weights, stability ball in there. A reading chair, plants and music - it's evolving into a studio of sorts. My weight isn't going anywhere but now that I am getting back to taking care of me, that should change soon.


Vickie said...
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Laura N said...

Studio sounds wonderful. What a great idea to go horseback riding. Saw your pic on FB. So cool.

Glad you are taking care of yourself. Hope things are better with your grandson.