My daughter decided she wanted the IPod that stores the most music instead of the touch. So, I got her the biggie and I got the touch. It still has her music on it. I am enjoying right now. She is a fan of Indie music. I am listening to music and ready Our Lady of Weight Loss All Is Forgiven Move On.
I need some relaxation. Yesterday I cleaned spots out of the livingroom carpet. I felt accomplished. It was a busy day. Today I tried to go mow the lawn at the rental but I found out the key to the deadbold lock on the front door was not among the keys the tenant returned. I left hating her more than ever...eek. I hate to hate. I gave the painter my keys. I changed the doorknob locks myself last weekend so I had the lower lock key, now I need to change deadbolts for my next accomplishment. I really wanted to cut grass. I have a key here somewhere to that deadbolt but did not want to take another 25 minute drive...oh well. I lazed around and had a good meal, baked chicken and veggies. Plus other various items later. I had some tea. It was a slow day. But maybe that's what I need.
New music. New anything. I feel in a bit of a slump. Reading is good. I read some literature on grief. I read a magazine. I am nurturing myself and taking it slow.
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