Saturday, June 30, 2012

Six Years of Blogging

It is hot, very, very hot. I still go out on the back patio in the morning, and then do yard work but it gets sweaty pretty fast. I love mornings outside, sipping my coffee or tea, and reading.  I swam today. My arm, knee and back are feeling better so I tested swimming.  I felt very good afterward.  I will go again tomorrow. Today I made a bean salad that I plan to live on until it runs out.  Nice and cold. My flowers and plants are doing well. I love having plants in the house.  For many years I did not have house plants.  I got out of the habit because cats disturbed them. But so far, no problems.  Hoping to push through some barriers and lose another pound.  I'd like to have a little chunk off by my birthday, August 6th.  Maybe 5 pounds.  I miss the blogging we were doing back in 2006 when I started this journey. Wow! six years ago.  In this house, I started my weight loss and here I am back, over forty pounds lighter.  That is amazing. I am grateful for everyone who shared my ups and downs all these years!

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Vickie said...
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