Life is busy and busy is good. I am at my 5% goal and moving on to the 10%. I think that my loss is at a reasonable/realistic pace. I am happy with what I eat, and feeling better. I have more energy, I move easier, and my clothes are feeling better. I decided to move back to my house that I own and stop being a landlord. Too stressful and I have no more money left to lose! We are also leasing a small apartment near Daughter's school. The money I save living in my own house will pay for some if not all of the extra aparment. We are excited. I can move over the course of the next two months because I want to stay until the school year finishes. We also have a plan for Grandson's living situation during his senior year so he can stay in the same school.
I love cutting grass at my house. It is an hour workout with a push mower and it feels good to see the results. My trees are bigger now and blooming, my lilac bush is huge and in full bloom and I can't wait to grow a bunch of blooming bushes and flowers in the sunny front and back yards. The inside of the house was left a mess, with very icky carpet and even damage to the walls this time, but now I can fix it up and live in it, instead of handing it over again. I am not going to focus on how icky they left it, I will make it all nice again and enjoy it!.
My next door neighbor who was cutting his grass (always a good sign) came over when he saw me getting ready to hoist my new lawnmower out of my trunk and insisted on helping me. His two young kids were working in the back yard picking up sticks, etc. It was nice. The neighborhood has calmed down since I lived there before. I have a very good friend about a mile and a half away who walks her dogs regularly, so I have a walking buddy! I could go on but I have to work now.
More will be revealed.
I guess the new and better tenant I was looking forward to in my last post will be me!!
It is always nice to "come home." Glad you are finally back in your own skin and cutting the grass. I am still renting but can vaguely see my new tenant when I look in the mirror. Tee Hee
I wish I could be cutting grass right now! (The weather does not permit it... hahaha)
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