I got an e-mail Monday from a public relations company. They offered to send me a product free of charge so I could try it and give them feed back. They found me through my blog. I investigated to see if they were legitimate. This is really interesting. At first I thought it would be something like a supplement, etc. I was skeptical. But here is what it is - a "scale" but it does not tell you the number you weigh. It tracks whether you lose or gain and it tells you stuff. It talks to you. It is called Mary Lou's Weigh. You can google it. I said I'd try it. It sells for about 80 dollars so it makes a nice free-bee actually. I got it yesterday. It only does ten pounds at a time. It came with a little booklet and a DVD. I will start using it tomorrow.
Blind weighing is intriguing to me. So is feedback. So is a talking scale. I have only opened the box and have not read the stuff yet. It allows for two people to use it at a time. It records your starting weight and then goes from there. It does not ever tell you the number. That's all I know so far. I will give an update tomorrow after I officially start.
Perfect timing, too. I am all fluffed up this week. We had eating affairs at work and I had run-ins with noodles at home. It was just an off beat week for me in many ways. But I am not hating myself. In fact I am just seeing how a little fluffiness impacts me. In some ways I like a fuller face, and a rounder figure, but in other ways I don't like annoying flab hanging over my pants. But I am not extremely up. Just enough that I am at what I would call my scare weight for now.
So, it is nice that I have an encouraging "scale" waiting for me. One that won't tell me the number because I do not want to know the number today at all. The Universe must really know my needs and provide for them! It came out of nowhere at just the right moment.
I am sitting in my cozy spot with a fire going on a Saturday morning. I have a small roast cooking in the oven. I feel very content. My daughter and I are going to a bowling (of all things) party with the lawyers I work with. It should be interesting. It is a family thing. My grandson is at his mother's for the weekend so it is a me and daughter weekend and that is nice. We ordered pizza last night and watched a movie. Hence, the scale aversion today. Thin crust and veggies. She is not wanting to go to the bowling thing but I think it will be fun. I am going because I want to meet the families of my co-workers and do a little bonding.
Other than that, I have a moth problem in my closet. I have lived 50 years without this and now I feel like the moth ball smelling old lady. I have taken all the clothes out and I have LOTS of clothes. They are laying in my room waiting to be dealt with. The moths are in the closet with a bright light shining and a bunch of smelly moth crystal stuff. I cannot stand that smell. I will finish pulling all my stuff out of the closet this weekend, vacuum, spray, and wash all the clothes, shake them out hang them outside or do anything else anyone tells me to do for the moth deal. Where did they come from??? Maybe it's a good thing, I needed to clean that closet out. Maybe I will find something I have been missing.
Anyone with information on moth control let me know. This is too weird.
More will be revealed.
I have one of those not-scale-scales coming too. I'm looking forward to trying it, and I think it will be just what I need over the holidays.
Check all your wool clothes for holes. Then get the ones you are keeping cleaned and rehang them on cedar hangers or get some cedar blocks for your closets and between your sweaters (they keep the moths away but smell better than mothballs). Moths like to chew on wool clothes that have been worn.
Thanks. Yes it is a good closet cleaning opportunity. I don't have much wool, but I am going through all my clothes one by one and sorting. First I am getting rid of the ones I don't want. Then sorting summer from winter/fall. Summer will get washed and put away. Fall/winter, washed, cleaned and returned to the exterminated closet. It is going to take some time but it is worth it. I will have a clean and organized closet. Without the moths. I was wondering if anyone else got the non scale scale offer..
We have not watched the video yet but we got on the scale and let it record our starting weights this morning. We will see what it says to us tomorrow. I am going to the link now to see what it says.
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