Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Getting behind on posting. I gave myself a day off from the scale and "diets" because I felt I was getting too obsessive about things. In Cycle 2 I found myself more tired than Cycle 1 but other factors could have contributed to it. So last night I took the night off. Today I am doing carb deplete and exercise. I feel like sometimes I am the opposite of "normal" because, for example, getting real tired and feeling worse when adding carbs back into the diet. Another example, hormones, doctors want to add them back when we start losing them. I feel better with less of them. Other things like that I have noticed about myself. Must be something about my constitution.

So today I am staying in today, following a plan of eating protein and complex carbs - a cycle one day for me. I did some research online on carb depleting and carb loading. It is a body builder thing. They carb deplete prior to competitions and work out during the carb deplete phase to burn fat. So I am going to make sure I work out on my lower carb days. There was a sentence about that in the book, too, buried somewhere. I have also noticed that the plans designed by body builders (not that I have read that many) include the free day or the cheat day or whatever you want to call it. It keeps the body from getting "static" and the metabolism from getting and staying low I suppose. I am grasping principles I think.

I don't want to get obsessive about anything so I am taking it easy, and enjoying the moment. It is one of those chilly fall days. But it reminds me of my ex "Man Friend" from last fall/winter/spring. He keeps showing up in dreams and last night he was saying something to me over and over but I could never understand it. In that dream I was going to oceans to stay with people who lived on one ocean or another. It was kind of cool. Don't know why he keeps popping up but it makes me a little sad. Him saying things and me not understanding what he was saying is reflective of the breakdown in the communication in that relationship. I wish I could just move on like other people do and the way he apparently did. There I am again, feeling opposite of "normal"....


Anonymous said...

I've always heard that in dreams, other people represent some aspect of ourselves that person reminds us of. So the fact that he's showing up in your dreams and you can't understand what he's saying might indicate that you haven't figured out how to own that part of you yet. Maybe that's why you're not feeling ready to move on. (End amateur dream analysis portion of the comment)

I'm glad you've found something that seems to work so well for you.

Cindy said...

That's very interesting. I think I am just not over that whole deal, myself, and you are right, it's definately something about me. hmmmmmmm.....

Vickie said...
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Vickie said...
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Laura N said...

Good idea to take a break. I didn't realize that about working out on carb down days--that's one of my big criticsms of the book, her non-treatment of exercise. But it's good to read the people with muscles & less fat do this type of diet.

Important thing for you is knowing that you react differently to things. Doesn't mean not being "normal" is bad, just different.

I dream about my first boyfriend a lot. This is from when I was 12 years old! My first kiss and all that. And of course, he dumped me.

Carb up day for me tomorrow and I'm gonna have pumpkin pie for lunch. Oh I can't wait.

Bea said...

When I am stable on my eating plan I an going to get this book. Sounds like a winner.

Mentor Mary would agree with Jen. A masculine aspect of yourself is still a mystery. I love the symbolism of dreams. Two of my favorite dream books are "Do You Dream?" and "Dream Dictionary" both by Tony Crisp.

Cheers. Lynn