Yesterday the Warehouse was grueling. I was so tired at the end of the day, mentally and physically that I got on a shelf myself, in between two boxes, resting my feet up on one and resting my head on another. It is dirty in the warehouse if you look close enough. Dust and grime. I did not get through many boxes at all. My partner did pretty good. I still need decisions made in order to go through 66 of the boxes. My boss does not seem to be able to do that. But I guess I am going to just go with the flow. She makes up her mind, I look in the boxes. She doesn't I tell the project lead I can't and why not.
I ate cookies that my partner had lin her stash late afternoon because it was the only food in the warehouse and I was famished. My boiled eggs and slice of cheese and pumpkin seeds (did not need that salt!!) just did not get me through the entire day. I plan to be more prepared on Monday. Way more prepared. There's a small refrigerator and a microwave. I have a plan and I am sticking to it.
Here's my plan. I have that talking scale. I am exactly at my "starting weight" which was my scary weight right after New Year's Day. The scale goes ten pounds at a time. So I am going to use it daily and not the one where I see The Number. Unfortunately I know the Number but not facing the Number each day might be better. It's an experiment. So the Mary Lou scale each morning is part of the Plan. Now the next is my food plan. I pulled down my South Beach to look over phase one. I found Phase one easy to remember and follow for a week or so. I am calling this a de-tox plan. Since I have been allowing foods like cookies, cupcakes and the like I want to get back to a habit of not eating those at all. So South Beach Phase I only involves the other kind of carbs, the good carbs. No breads and cereals. I am going to do it for a week, starting today and then see how I feel. Simple
Simple? I hope so unless I complicate it. I am going to use the recipes because they look good and make it more inviting. Today for breakfast I am having my trusty spinach omelet. I love spinach so I am looking forward to it. Then for lunch I have a large supply of lettuce and I have salmon for a nice big fat salmon salad. Snacks are always a dilemma, and I wish I could give them up entirely. But that is not reality. So, low fat cheese sticks, celery, raw veggies. As soon as I have the energy (which is low this morning) I can go to my produce store. One trusty snack on SB I is a wrap, lettuce or cabbage wrapping a couple of slices of turkey or ham with a smear of mustard or low fat mayo. Yum.
I just need to get back to habits of food that won't make me gain and food that will help me lose. I think I need to adjust to the hormone thing. Maybe I can invent my own Hormone Food Plan. I feel like it's harder to lose with the HTR but I could be bullshitting myself because in reality I am eating willy nilly. I will see what happens in this week of experimentation. My trusty South Beach book has easy recipes with normal every day ingredients. Stuff I can afford. I will also use the protiens from the Crack Diet list.
So let's see how this works. I will report every day. Today and tomorrow are a challenge because I am traveling. That's why I want to go to my produce store so I can chop up a bunch of celery, broc, cauliflower, etc to have on hand for any munchies. Plus I need some cheese sticks for the protein, and of course I need to boil a supply of my trusty boiled eggs for a protein fix.
Exercise? I thought of the gym but I am still feeling wiped out. So at Mom and Dad's in the country this evening I think I will walk/jog the clearing. It's a big area that my Mom mom used to do laps around. I can't recall how many laps are a mile but she will tell me. I can do that and my push ups and other floor exercises. Right now I am still sleepy and tired. Just had the inspiration to get the South Beach book down and pump myself up mentally by reading it. Ten pounds is all I am aiming for. Ten pounds is all I want to lose. Me, the talking scale, and South Beach. Let's see if I can put a dent in this gain...
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